Source code for lz.replication

import functools as _functools
import itertools as _itertools
import typing as _t
from collections import (abc as _abc,
                         deque as _deque)

_T = _t.TypeVar('_T')

[docs]@_functools.singledispatch def replicate(_value: _t.Any, *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_t.Any]: """ Returns given number of object replicas. """ raise TypeError('Unsupported object type: {type}.' .format(type=type(_value)))
_Immutable = _t.TypeVar('_Immutable', bytes, object, str) @replicate.register(object) # immutable strings represent a special kind of iterables # that can be replicated by simply repeating @replicate.register(bytes) @replicate.register(str) def _(_value: _Immutable, *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_Immutable]: """ Returns object repeated given number of times. """ yield from _itertools.repeat(_value, count) @replicate.register(_abc.Iterable) def _replicate_iterable(_value: _t.Iterable[_T], *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_t.Iterable[_T]]: """ Returns given number of iterable replicas. """ iterator = iter(_value) queues: _t.Sequence[_t.Deque[_T]] = [ _deque() for _ in _itertools.repeat(None, count) ] def replica(queue: _t.Deque[_T]) -> _t.Iterable[_T]: while True: if not queue: try: element = next(iterator) except StopIteration: return element_copies = replicate(element, count=count) for sub_queue, element_copy in zip(queues, element_copies): sub_queue.append(element_copy) yield queue.popleft() yield from map(replica, queues) @replicate.register(bytearray) def _(_value: bytearray, *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[bytearray]: for _ in _itertools.repeat(None, count): yield _value[:] @replicate.register(frozenset) def _(_value: _t.FrozenSet[_T], *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_t.FrozenSet[_T]]: for replica in _replicate_iterable(_value, count=count): yield frozenset(replica) @replicate.register(list) def _(_value: _t.List[_T], *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_t.List[_T]]: for replica in _replicate_iterable(_value, count=count): yield list(replica) @replicate.register(set) def _(_value: _t.Set[_T], *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_t.Set[_T]]: for replica in _replicate_iterable(_value, count=count): yield set(replica) @replicate.register(tuple) def _(_value: _t.Tuple[_T, ...], *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_t.Tuple[_T, ...]]: for replica in _replicate_iterable(_value, count=count): yield tuple(replica) _Key = _t.TypeVar('_Key') _Value = _t.TypeVar('_Value') @replicate.register(dict) def _(_value: _t.Dict[_Key, _Value], *, count: int) -> _t.Iterable[_t.Dict[_Key, _Value]]: for replica in _replicate_iterable(_value.items(), count=count): yield dict(replica)
[docs]def replicator(count: int) -> _t.Callable[[_T], _t.Iterable[_T]]: """ Returns function that replicates passed object. >>> triplicate = replicator(3) >>> list(map(tuple, triplicate(range(5)))) [(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)] """ return _functools.partial(replicate, count=count)
duplicate = replicator(2) duplicate.__doc__ = 'Duplicates given object.'